Water Treatment

One of the things that’s easy for us to take for granted is clean water. Turn on the faucet, turn on the shower, and you expect a clear and clean stream. That makes it more alarming when something goes wrong with our water. 

Sometimes, it’s not clear that there is something wrong with our water. Others, however, can be blatantly obvious. For example, have you ever had an experience where your water smells like sulfur? It is an unpleasant experience and one that you should investigate immediately if it affects you. Here, we’ll go over why your water smells foul and what you can do about it. 

When Well Water Isn’t Well

The thing with sulfuric water is that it can happen anywhere at any time. It can happen in wells, in your plumbing system, or groundwater. The gas that gives water the smell and flavor of rotten eggs, or sulfur, is called hydrogen sulfide. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon resulting from decay and chemical reactions with soil or rocks. 

If noticed, this is a problem that you want to address right away. It’s not necessarily dangerous (it’s not necessarily safe, either), but letting this slide for some time can have other consequences. For example, sulfur bacteria are a breeding ground for other bacteria. Once you have it, you can be sure that a list of other things is growing in your water and your pipes. 

How To Notice It Before You Notice It

It is possible to detect sulfur odor before the smell gets too intense. For example, if you know that you have hard water, you be on a crash course for sulfuric-smelling and tasting water. There are other things to look for before you get to this point.

  1. Do you notice any slime near the plumbing systems in your home? This slime, which can come in various colors (white, grey, black, brown), is a sign of chemical reactions in your water. If you notice this, it might only be a matter of time before you notice that your cold water smells like sulfur.
  2. Do you notice stains on your silverware? If black stains pop up on your silverware, it is a positive indicator that you have sulfuric bacteria in your water. 
  3. Do you notice that your pipes are breaking down or corroding? If yes, that is a clear sign of hydrogen sulfide gas in your water.

The Safety of Drinking Sulfuric Water

As mentioned above, if your water smells like sulfur, that isn’t necessarily a sign that your water is unsafe to drink. However, you probably don’t want to risk it. The best thing you can do if you notice a sulfur odor is to have your water tested. It might be sulfur; it might not be. Only an expert will be able to tell you.

What To Do About Sulfuric Water

The first step to dealing with sulfuric water is diagnosing the base of the problem. For example, if you turn your cold water on and it smells fine, but your hot water smells like sulfur, the problem is likely in your water heater. But sulfur could be present while getting the water from the ground to your home. You may use a water filter for sulfur smell. Even this could wind up smelling like sulfur, meaning you simply need to change your filter. 

But what if the sulfur is in the ground or the well water? How do you remove sulfur smell from well water? Among the best way to do this is to increase the temperature of your water heater. In doing so, you will kill off the bacteria that has grown and continues to grow. You shouldn’t do this by yourself, though! You must hire a trained professional to come out and do this, as increasing the temperature of your water heater can be pretty dangerous. 

Please visit our website today if you have more questions about sulfuric water.